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  • 2023-05-11

Future Technology

If the Carrington accident were to happen today, it would disrupt a wide range of modern technologies, from power grids to satellites, and would bring global communications to a halt. Today's technology is more vulnerable than ever to extreme space weather, so NASA has developed a new AI-powered model to predict solar storms and issue a 30-minute early warning.

Known as Dagger, the model combines the capabilities of artificial intelligence with NASA data to predict dangerous space weather in a process called deep learning of magnetic disturbance. According to NASA, this model can quickly generate forecasts and update them every minute.

DAGGER was designed to examine spacecraft measurements of the solar wind, a stream of charged particles emanating from the sun. "Thus, it is possible to predict the location that a solar storm will hit at any location on Earth, with an early warning of 30 minutes," said a NASA statement.

The team tested the AI ​​model by running it through two storms